Observed exposure or treatment

trtObserve(dt, formulas, logit.link = FALSE, grpName = "trtGrp")



data table


collection of formulas that determine probabilities


indicator that specifies link. If TRUE, then logit link is used. If FALSE, the identity link is used.


character string representing name of treatment/exposure group variable


An integer (group) ranging from 1 to length of the probability vector

See also


def <- defData(varname = "male", dist = "binary", formula = .5, id = "cid")
def <- defData(def, varname = "over65", dist = "binary", formula = "-1.7 + .8*male", link = "logit")
def <- defData(def, varname = "baseDBP", dist = "normal", formula = 70, variance = 40)

dtstudy <- genData(1000, def)
#>        cid male over65  baseDBP
#>    1:    1    0      0 75.16916
#>    2:    2    0      0 76.26197
#>    3:    3    1      1 66.78133
#>    4:    4    0      0 71.67887
#>    5:    5    1      0 64.18112
#>   ---                          
#>  996:  996    0      1 69.86304
#>  997:  997    1      0 63.88180
#>  998:  998    0      0 72.93428
#>  999:  999    0      0 79.72073
#> 1000: 1000    1      0 81.65354

formula1 <- c("-2 + 2*male - .5*over65", "-1 + 2*male + .5*over65")
dtObs <- trtObserve(dtstudy, formulas = formula1, logit.link = TRUE, grpName = "exposure")
#>        cid exposure male over65  baseDBP
#>    1:    1        1    0      0 75.16916
#>    2:    2        3    0      0 76.26197
#>    3:    3        2    1      1 66.78133
#>    4:    4        2    0      0 71.67887
#>    5:    5        3    1      0 64.18112
#>   ---                                   
#>  996:  996        3    0      1 69.86304
#>  997:  997        2    1      0 63.88180
#>  998:  998        1    0      0 72.93428
#>  999:  999        3    0      0 79.72073
#> 1000: 1000        2    1      0 81.65354

# Check actual distributions

dtObs[, .(pctMale = round(mean(male), 2)), keyby = exposure]
#>    exposure pctMale
#> 1:        1    0.61
#> 2:        2    0.71
#> 3:        3    0.24
dtObs[, .(pctMale = round(mean(over65), 2)), keyby = exposure]
#>    exposure pctMale
#> 1:        1    0.15
#> 2:        2    0.27
#> 3:        3    0.15

dtSum <- dtObs[, .N, keyby = .(male, over65, exposure)]
dtSum[, grpPct := round(N / sum(N), 2), keyby = .(male, over65)]
#>     male over65 exposure   N grpPct
#>  1:    0      0        1  52   0.12
#>  2:    0      0        2 110   0.25
#>  3:    0      0        3 280   0.63
#>  4:    0      1        1   3   0.05
#>  5:    0      1        2  18   0.29
#>  6:    0      1        3  41   0.66
#>  7:    1      0        1  69   0.20
#>  8:    1      0        2 207   0.59
#>  9:    1      0        3  77   0.22
#> 10:    1      1        1  18   0.13
#> 11:    1      1        2 101   0.71
#> 12:    1      1        3  24   0.17
#>     male over65 exposure   N grpPct
#>  1:    0      0        1  52   0.12
#>  2:    0      0        2 110   0.25
#>  3:    0      0        3 280   0.63
#>  4:    0      1        1   3   0.05
#>  5:    0      1        2  18   0.29
#>  6:    0      1        3  41   0.66
#>  7:    1      0        1  69   0.20
#>  8:    1      0        2 207   0.59
#>  9:    1      0        3  77   0.22
#> 10:    1      1        1  18   0.13
#> 11:    1      1        2 101   0.71
#> 12:    1      1        3  24   0.17