Plot survival curves

survParamPlot(formula, shape, points = NULL, n = 100, scale = 1, limits = NULL)



This is the "formula" parameter of the Weibull-based survival curve that can be used to define the scale of the distribution.


The parameter that defines the shape of the distribution.


An optional list of two-element vectors specifying the desired time and probability pairs that define the desired survival curve. If no list is specified then the plot will not include any points.


The number of points along the curve that will be used to define the line. Defaults to 100.


An optional scale parameter that defaults to 1. If the value is 1, the scale of the distribution is determined entirely by the argument "f".


A vector of length 2 that specifies x-axis limits for the plot. The default is NULL, in which case no limits are imposed.


A ggplot of the survival curve defined by the specified parameters. If the argument points is specified, the plot will include them


points <- list(c(60, 0.90), c(100, .75), c(200, .25), c(250, .10))
r <- survGetParams(points)
survParamPlot(r[1], r[2])

survParamPlot(r[1], r[2], points = points)

survParamPlot(r[1], r[2], points = points, limits = c(0, 100))